Alex Velez Green has been a hardworking determined student here at PHS for the past 4 years. His hard work has finally payed off. I recently had a chance to sit down with Alex and ask him a few questions.
1. What have been your favorite classes at PHS?
Alex -ASR and all the AP classes.
2. What have been your favorite or most interesting experiences at PHS?
Alex –Playing in the band and completing my ASR project.
3. What college are you going to –and why did you choose it?
Alex –Harvard, it was either Harvard or Yale. It wasn’t just that it’s a great school, the atmosphere at Harvard is intense and it’s a challenge. I like challenges because they make me be a better person.
4. What future goals and profession do you have in mind?
Alex – Working as a civil servant, CIA, business, or even the military.
5. Did you play a sport?
Alex – I played basketball, more recreational though, and outdoor sports.
6. Whats clubs were you in?
Alex – All the honor societies, all the bands, and the interact club.
7. What teachers have influenced you?
Alex – There are so many teachers that influenced me and it wouldn’t be right just naming a few, because they all were amazing.
8. Who are the other strong influences in your life?
Alex – Mom, Dad, Nicole and my best friends.
9. Do you have your valedictorian speech prepared?
Alex – I’m working on it, the 1st draft is complete but it’s not complete until Mrs. Anderson gives the okay.
10. What advice do you have for students at PHS?
Alex -Work real hard.