March 8 is International Women’s Day

March 8: A day in which we take a closer look at the achievements made by the women of current and past time, despite only gaining the right to vote a century ago―the trailblazers. Those ladies that marched, that spoke out, that went against the grain of what they had been taught by those that came before them: Rosa Parks, Sojourner Truth, Jeannette Rankin, Frida Kahlo, Mae Jemison, and the list goes on. It’s these women that set a precedent for the future. It’s these women that changed the world.
Imagining a time when it was taboo for a woman to hold office might seem unreal, especially now when a woman holds the second-highest office in the nation. As we all may be aware, it was most definitely not always like this. Women were shunned and expected to be prim and proper, quiet, with their ideals shaped by male counterparts, and subordinate.
The thought process of “man=strong, woman=weak” dates back to the beginning of human life. Women would gather, nurture children, and do house chores. Men, on the other hand, would hunt animals, be the breadwinner, and embody strength. These outdated perceptions of both genders have negatively affected both men and women. Often, when men show even a hint of characteristics traditionally held by women, they’re seen as feminine or “gay”, and vice-versa.
Yet, women have come such a long way. The world has female presidents, ministers, congresswomen, lawyers, astronauts, business owners, and so much more. This is thanks to the women that fought the war of inequality, the women that came together and said “no.” I will always be grateful for these women. They made it possible for teenage girls like myself to attend school, write this article, and dream big about what I’d like to accomplish in life.
Similarly, as the world’s deep-rooted issues come forth, we have women on the front-line tackling the battles headfirst. And so, to the women and advocates currently fighting, I say: Let your voice be heard and articulate all that cannot speak. Engage in civil discourse and demand for change to be done; demand for better. Although not everyone may know your name, they will feel what you’ve accomplished: the laws or policies you’ll aid in implementing. They matter.
It is all these women to which I look up to. The activists, the record-breakers, the firsts, the friends, and the mothers ― I look up to all of you. You reassure me beyond the notion of “the sky’s the limit.” You show me that I’m my own limitation. What I think, what I do, and what I think I want to do, are all based on me. I’m a woman that can think for herself, a woman that’s stubborn and will fight for what she believes in. That’s me, a woman.
And so, I ask and encourage all of you reading, no matter the gender you identify with, to speak to those women in your life. Pick up the phone and ring up the relative you haven’t spoken to in years. Go to your living room and talk to your mother, your aunt, your sister. Tell them how much you love them, how much you care for them, and how they have and continue to impact your life. Not just today, not just this month, but consistently.
Time is much too precious to waste.