CONGRATULATIONS TO DAQUAN BRICKHOUSE AND SEAN SMYTHE. Today they officially signed over. We all know them but never thought about the day they would both go off to college. Well, maybe we did, but we never knew it would happen so fast. Anyway, it’s here. In a few months they will be leaving Peekskill High School. The famous Daquan Brickhouse will attend Central Connecticut State University, and he became emotional when he said he was the first in his family to go to college. “I’ll go from a red devil to a blue devil. When I visited Connecticut, they made me feel very welcome and the coach wants me to get an education, then think about ball. Their team doesn’t run like I do, but I’m hoping I can get there and change that,” said Daquan. Daquan will likely major in Phys Ed but his main aspiration is basketball. “I’m going up to Connecticut and continue my A+ average. But basketball is what I want. If I don’t get on a team here, I’ll go overseas.”
According to Daquan’s father, ”Daquan was a hyper kid and we had to find something for him to do. I took him to the Kiley Center and from there he went on to the County Center. We saw Daquan go through his phases and we supported him through it all.”
Daquan agreed, telling the audience his story of going from a failing student his freshman and sophomore years, to honor roll in his junior and senior years. He said, “With all the help I got, it made me want to do the right thing.” He gave appreciative shout-outs to the ones who were always there for him and never let him give up – Ms. Spooner, Ms. Singer, Ms. Fernadez, Ms. Risoli, Ms. Kellam, Pete, Mr. Sorell, Coach P, Sean Smythe, his other friends, the Searight family, Coach Headly (aka the drill sergeant), the girl’s varsity basketball team, and special shout outs to his two angels, Ms. Robinson and Ms. Johnson. Daquan explained, “I wasn’t always an A student. School was always a struggle. I was in the halls all the time in 9th and 10th grade, but Ms. Rob (Robinson) and Ms. J (Johnson) believed in me. I wanted to be cool and stay in the hall but they never gave up on me and kept on me to go to class. Also my co-captain Sean was always there for me. He is more than a friend; he’s like a brother to me. We actually played a lot together when we were little. People wouldn’t think that me and Sean are cool friends and all, but we are, we played everything together, CYO, flag football, to recreation, then on Varsity.” Daquan also talked emotionally about his grandmother and how she would buy him what he asked for and was always supportive of him. He misses her very much and played basketball in sneakers with her name and Rest in Peace written on them. He feels she would be proud of him and how he matured a lot in high school. He wants to mature a lot more in college.
Good luck Daquan we wish you nothing but the best.
Sean Smythe, another superstar, signed on with Alfred University. They gave him a good financial package and basketball scholarship. According to Sean, ”I’ll major in engineering, but I’m not sure what field.” Sean is not only a basketball player, but also a baseball player. He actually had a game that afternoon and had to leave the press conference early.
“It’s not about the money, it’s about the education” said Sean’s father, Mr.smythe.” Coach Panzanaro gave high praise to his basketball team’s co-captain with Daquan. “Sean is consistently great, consistently great on the court and in academics. His grades were always 90 and above. Basketball will be his enjoyment but engineering will be his future. I’m very proud of him.”
Good luck Sean Smythe, we also wish you nothing but the best.
Videos from the press conference are below:
Daquan Brickhouse Talks about CCSU
Mr. Cain speaks again and Daquan signs college letter of intent