Tony Brown, given the official title “Slam Poet Legend” by Poetry Slam International, performed for PHS students on May 5th. He also answered students’ questions – revealing his confusion at being a mixed race child, Italian and Apache, and being disliked for it by relatives on both sides of his family. Tony has published several chapbooks of poetry and has been writing poem for over forty years, since he was 9 years old.
Here are his answers to my questions. Afterwards check out the videos.
Q – What inspired you to write?
A – I have no idea. I was 9 when I published my first poem, that was in Highlights Magazine.
Q – How often do you write your poems?
A – Everyday for 2 hours.
Q – Is poetry a part time or full time job for you? If it’s part time, then what do you do in your spare time?
A – I would say it’s full time. I run my own business so it gives me more free time to write and also I play my guitar and watch TV.
Q – Do you have any advice for people pursuing a poetry career?
A – Read and listen to as much poetry as you can to find yourself and your voice.
Check him out for yourself: