Imagine if we had a chance to help children in other countries without having to go there. Imagine these children were doing harm onto others but weren’t doing it on their own. They are forcefully being pushed to.Children are being kidnapped everyday. The boys are being turned into soliders and the girls are being turned into sex slaves. They are sleeping in fear and crossing fingers hoping they do not get captured. Joseph Kony is the leader of these harmful doings in Uganda, Africa. Imagine if it was your little sister, or little brother, cousin , nephew or niece being captured. What would you do? How would you feel? I would feel terrible. No one should have to live in fear. Look over their back everytime they walk somewhere. This type of action could happen in any country. We are just lucky it didn’t happen to us. So lets take this chance and help the less fortunate. We shouldn’t take life for granted the way some of us do because like many of these kids. We could be killed at any second,minute or hour of the day. Now Imagine that.
Watch the video and decide if you wanna be part of Kony 2012.